Sweet Potatoes and Dried Pears

This turned out to be an incredible experiment. It was one of my last-minute deals when I had to use up some produce, pronto. I had a few sweet potatoes and no immediate plans for them. We had come to the point that they were talking to me.
SP (sweet potato): Why did you buy us?
Me: To eat, of course.
SP: So, why are we sitting in the corner of the hydrator with celery, of all things. Don't you know, we generally are not friends with celery unless you are making a savory salad and then their crunch makes them endearing.
Me: Hmmmm, savory salad sounds good but I was thinking hot, a nice hot dish and sweet, not savory.
SP: That is fine with us. Just do it. If you leave us any longer, we are going to get ugly and then you might throw us in the garbage.
Me: Garbage? Of course not. You are the diamonds of the hydrator. No garbage for you.
SP: Then, it is time to warm us up. Do you have any idea how cold it is, in here?
Me: Refrigerators are supposed to be cold.
SP: Then you live in one. We want out. We want a nice warm oven or stove burner to live in or on.
Me: I have had enough of your complaining. You are off to become part of a dish with yummy honey and you had better like it.
SP: Cheering.
I knew, I wanted something really easy to do with these "fresh" sweet potatoes. I did my thing and opened up the cabinet and saw honey and there was my recipe. I also had taken out some dried apricots and pears, a short while before, so I removed the dried pears. Here, you try it and feel free to talk to your sweet potatoes.
Sweet Potatoes and Dried Pears
2 - 3 medium large sweet potatoes, cut into slices about 1/2 inch thick
6 dried pear slices
1 tablespoon
2 tablespoons honey
In a casserole with about 1/2 inch water, layer sweet potatoes and dried pears.
Drizzle honey over them. I did it by layer.
Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.
Remove from oven and mix so that the top layer is now in the water.
Bake for another 10 - 20 minutes until sweet potatoes are cooked through but not falling apart.
The dried pear goes beautifully with the sweet potatoes but my guess is that almost any dried fruit or fresh fruit would also be delicious.
Waste Not Want Not Wednesday Foodie Friday Foodie Friends Friday Full Plate Thursday This is How We Roll
Haha! I wish my vegetables would alert me to their imminent demise more loudly. That would be so useful!