My husband described this soup well. He said that it had a peculiar taste and I thought, I was going to have to throw out the soup. Then, he said that despite this, he liked it and had two plates and is having the leftover soup for lunch, today. The blend of the turnip, apple and potato was unusual and I added a little salt and all of a sudden, everything blended nicely. I suggest a teaspoon of salt. I don't cook with salt for health reasons and those who want a more tasty dish, add the amount, they choose. It works well. I do like salt and compared to years ago, I use very little now. There are dishes, like this soup or plainish pasta or potatoes that need the salt. Turnip, Apple and Potato Soup Ingredients: 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 parsnips, peeled and cubed 2 large potatoes, peeled and chopped 2 large apples, peeled and chopped 1 large onion, chopped bunch of fresh herbs Black Pepper to taste ...