Cannellini and Fresh Tomato Broth - DonnaHhay

I will be bringing over the remaining Donna Hay recipes in the next few weeks.  I hadn't realized just how many we had made and in reading my reviews of the recipes, I find that I liked almost all of them.

Cannellini and Fresh Tomato Broth, page 80 in Off the Shelf is my choice for this week's recipe. Soup has been waiting to be made in my house and each soup recipe, calls my name. This is another easy Donna Hay recipe which I made weeks ago so that I would have it, for this week. 

I enjoy cooking from Donna Hay's books with interesting recipes that are made with ease and with ingredients that are found in most stores. I also have found, subbing ingredients is easy to do.

This soup was good but I didn't find it to be the best tomato soup, I have made. I would make it again but more likely, I would go to another one of my tomato soup recipes.

I added Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top to the recipe and it gave it additional flavor.

Cannellini and Fresh Tomato Broth

6 large ripe tomatoes, quartered
4 cups organic vegetable broth
1 (14 oz) can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
sea salt and cracked black pepper
2 tablespoons garden fresh chopped oregano

Place the tomatoes and half the stock in a blender and blend until smooth. 

Pour the mixture through the sieve and place in a saucepan with the remaining broth over medium heat. 

Allow the soup to come to a boil and simmer for 8-10 minutes, then add the cannellini beans, salt, pepper and oregano. 


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