Cauliflower Salad

Cauliflower Salad 
(adapted from CDK)


1 large cauliflower, cut into florets
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup green pepper, sliced

1/2 cup red pepper, sliced
1/2 cup yellow, sliced
3/4 cup onion, sliced and halved
1/4 cup freshly chopped Italian parsley


Microwave cauliflower in a bowl of water for 2 minutes.

Meanwhile in a small bowl, whisk together garlic, red wine vinegar, olive oil  and pepper and set aside. 

Gently toss  cauliflower with remaining ingredients and dressing. Let salad marinate for 30 minutes before serving.

Mop it Up Mondays    


  1. Cauliflower is so delicious, it's good to see it put to use in a salad that's so colorful and vibrant! :)

  2. This is our first year growing cauliflower. I never realized that it could be used in so many different ways. I look forward to trying out your recipe. Thanks for sharing in our recipe hop this week ☺

  3. Interesting, I never thought to put cauliflower in a salad. That looks delish.


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