Cabbage Pancakes

I have discovered that using cabbage in unusual ways results in making delicious dishes.  I decided to look up recipes for cabbage pancakes and found many.  Two appealed to me, the one below and another that was a partial potato latke and a partial cabbage latke combined.  I hope to make it also.

These pancakes were delicious and served with a little soy sauce mixed with a bit of honey, even better.


16 0unces shredded coleslaw
1 red onion, sliced
2 tablespoons gluten-free flour
4 large eggs
1 tablespoon reduced-sodium soy sauce
ΒΌ teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon minced garlic
olive oil for frying


Heat a large skillet (I have a huge electric skillet, I used ).  Add olive oil.

Scoop the mixture into the griddle with an ice cream scoop . 

Flatten with a spatula.

Cook 3-4 minutes on each side, until browned on both sides. 

Eat and enjoy.

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  1. What a simple pancake recipe! I usually buy cabbage because it keeps well and can be incorporated into everything, definitely got to try this out!

  2. I have a jar of dried cabbage I have been waiting to use. This looks like a good place to start. Thanks!


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