Penne with Peppers, Fresh Tomato and Parsley

My goal is to cook one recipe a week from my new pasta book, Thirty Minute Pasta by Giuliano Hazan.  Having cooked only two dishes, I am far from an expert on these recipes but one attribute of Hazan's dishes appears to me, little in the butter/oils department.  They are utilized  in small doses.  Most of the recipes, I have looked at, are mostly vegetables and pasta.  He also does not list much in the way of seasoning, except salt.  Everything is fresh including the herbs.

There is a lot of chopping which is time consuming but certainly tonight, I did not find it kept me over the thirty minutes.  Tonight's recipe, he gave directions as to what to do when another ingredient is cooking.  When the onions cooked, the peppers were prepared.  When the peppers cooked, the tomatoes were prepared.  It went smoothly.

Since, I cook gluten free, my selection of pasta shapes is limited which ruins some of the fun but the bottom line is that the taste is still there.  We are also "low salt" folks so we are eating pretty natural flavors and they are delicious.  I have a feeling, we are  going to enjoy the cooking that comes from the time saving Thirty Minute Pasta.

Penne with Peppers, Fresh Tomato and Parsley 
From Giuliano Hazan’s Thirty Minute Pasta by Giuliano Hazan - adapted

1/2 medium yellow onion
3 tablespoons butter
1 red bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
1 1/2 pounds fresh, ripe tomatoes
1 pound penne
8-10 fresh parsley leaves
1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan

  1. Fill a saucepan for the pasta with about 6 quarts of water and place over high heat, and bring to a boil.
  2. Peel and finely chop the onion. Put it with the butter in a large skillet and place over medium heat. Sauté until the onion turns to a rich golden color, about 5 minutes.
  3. While the onion is sautĂ©ing, peel the peppers, core, and seed them.  Cut into 1” squares. When the onion is ready, add the peppers and season lightly with salt. Raise the heat to medium high and sautĂ© until they are mostly tender and begin to brown lightly, about 10 minutes.
  4. While the peppers are cooking, peel the tomatoes and coarsely chop them. When the peppers are ready, add the tomatoes and season lightly with salt. Cook until the tomatoes have reduced and the liquid they release has evaporated, about 10 more minutes.
  5. After the tomatoes have cooked for about 5 minutes, coarsely chop the parsley and add it to the pan. Add about 2 tablespoons salt to the boiling pasta water, put in the penne, and stir well. Cook until al dente.
  6. When the pasta is done, drain it well, toss it with the sauce and the freshly grated Parmesan.
This is from Hazan's blog.

Dining With Debbie
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  1. My 3 tear old is a voracious pasta eater and she would clean out your plate in no delicious n the combo is excellent!
    Thanks a lot for linking this to bookmark event :)

    US Masala

  2. This looks really delicious and colorful with the yellow and orange bell peppers!

  3. Thanks for the link up. This really looks good. This is one cookbook I don't do you like it so far?

  4. Aipi, it is always a pleasure to link in such a finely run linky.

    Yummy Chunklet, the beauty of bell peppers is that they tend to make a dish much more attractive.

    Debbie, if you like a lighter pasta dish, this cookbook is for you.

  5. This looks simple and delicious. And I love all those veggies in there. I bet even my kids would eat this! :)


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