Menu Plan Monday - What can you do in 30 minutes?

This week, many of my recipes come from a book that has been sitting on the shelf, much too long, The Best 30 Minute Recipe from the editors of Cook's Illustrated. Everyone should have one of their books because it is chock full of information besides clear recipes. At random, I opened the book and came to side bars such as, "Preparing Fennel", "Shredding Cabbage", "Best Whisk for Pan Sauces", "Supermarket Chicken Broth" and "The Best Potato Masher". These are just a few pages I looked at in this 263 page book. There are color pictures sectioned off around page 100 and the recipes themselves have diagrams and how to drawings of different procedures. The directions have clarity that is not usually found. each step is explained completely but not like they are talking to a novice. My instinct tells me anyone could cook from this book no matter the experience and expertise. I am excited about using the book and will be able...