Putting Corn Dish Together

In my plight to use up everything, I must get rid of, I end up with some good recipes, quite unexpectedly. That is what happened today when I found myself staring at a bag of frozen corn with about a cup of corn in it. What was I going to do with just a cup of corn? The answer was obvious - build on it until I would have enough for a serving dish, a small one, though. Adding was easy because it was based on what was available in my kitchen. There was a partially cut red pepper, on my counter so I chopped about a one inch slice into tiny pieces and threw that in with the corn. Also, sitting on my counter, forlorn and alone was half a small onion which was chopped and added to the corn. You guessed it, there was also a half of a zucchini that graced this dish. Looking at my counter again, a bottle of balsamic vinegar sat there with about 1/4 of an inch of liquid. Throw it in. Better add some sugar to modify the flavor of the vine...