Chocolate, Banana and Coconut Muffins --- Donna Hay

This is a dessert week for the WwDH bakers.  We made  Chocolate, Banana, and Coconut Muffins.  I skipped the coconut because my grandchildren were visiting and they don't like coconut.  Instead, chocolate chips made a major difference to them.

These were easy to make and my little granddaughter loves them.  She took one bite and gave a sigh of satisfaction.  The older grandkids enjoyed them as well.

Check out the other Donna Hay members and 

Hearth and Soul Hop     Tuesday’s Table         What'd You Do  This Weekend           see their cupcakes.


  1. I may have liked them better with chocolate too!!

  2. Looks delicious love this one as chocolate and coconut are my weakness, thanks for sharing with hearth and soul blog hop.

  3. I do love a good chocolate muffin. AND with coconut and bananas. Catch-up for me. Ran out of time before our trip.

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