Menu Plan Monday - Chanukah
This is an interesting week with Chanukah starting on Tuesday night. The Jewish holidays start at night and end at night. One of the foods we eat is the potato latke. I found this video on how to make latkes that you might enjoy. There are other Chanukah videos on that page also. 
Chanukah is 8 days long and begins on the 25th evening of the Jewish month of Kislev. It is a celebration of light over darkness.
A small group of men defeated one of the strongest armies in the world and drove the Greeks from the land. They reclaimed the Holy temple. When they went to light the menorah in the Temple, the discovered only one cruse of pure oil. This one day supply burned for a full 8 days until new oil could be prepared.
In our homes, we light menorahs to publicize these miracles which is why Chanukah came to be.

Chanukah customs include eating foods fried in oil -- latkes (potato pancakes) and (doughnuts). We play with the dreidel and the give Chanukah gelt, gifts of money, to children. The actual custom is to give this gelt (money) rather than toys and other gifts but some do both or give gifts alone.
Chanukah is 8 days long and begins on the 25th evening of the Jewish month of Kislev. It is a celebration of light over darkness.
A small group of men defeated one of the strongest armies in the world and drove the Greeks from the land. They reclaimed the Holy temple. When they went to light the menorah in the Temple, the discovered only one cruse of pure oil. This one day supply burned for a full 8 days until new oil could be prepared.
In our homes, we light menorahs to publicize these miracles which is why Chanukah came to be.
Chanukah customs include eating foods fried in oil -- latkes (potato pancakes) and (doughnuts). We play with the dreidel and the give Chanukah gelt, gifts of money, to children. The actual custom is to give this gelt (money) rather than toys and other gifts but some do both or give gifts alone.
We give the little ones toys and the older kids, a silver dollar each. This includes our older married children who should be rich by now with their yearly silver adding up. 
Family parties are often part of the fun and we host this inviting all the kids, grandkids and great grandkids who live within a reasonable distance. In our family, each of the wives makes a dish and we have dairy. Of course both latkes and doughnuts grace the tables. So does, lasagna, quiche, salads and so much more. It is a time to enjoy each other.
Sunday - Sabbath leftover
Monday - Eggs in Bell Peppers
Tuesday - Asian Greens with "oyster" - I have to figure what I can use instead of this) Sauce
Wednesday - Salmon with Cabbage Muffins and Potato Latkes
Thursday - Savory Ricotta Loaf with Onion Kugel and Zucchini Latkes
Friday - Sesame Chicken - Latkes - Spinach Kugel
Saturday - Shabbos - Chulent
Check out Menu Plan Monday for interesting menus.
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