Sweet Potatoes with Warm Black Bean Salad - Microwave recipe

I was browsing through Cooking Light and Eating Well magazines and I found this recipe in the latter.  Truthfully, it seemed a little unusual to me but the "new me", adventurous eater, decided, let's go for it.

No, my life is not that boring that this recipe is going to spice it up.  What it will do is put a look of mystification on hubby's face.  This one is not going to slide under the radar.  It didn't.

Hubby: "What is THAT?"
Me: "THAT is a sweet potato with stuff."
Hubby: "Stuff?"
Me: "You know good and healthy stuff, tomatoes and beans "stuff".
Hubby: "Huh."  Maybe that was, "Duh."
Me: "Sit down and eat.  You'll like it," and he did.

Unfortunately, I did not have the black beans so I used white ones.  I also added a half of a teaspoon of maple syrup to the beans and tomatoes.  I had cut down the spices for hubby and I thought it was bland.  If you make this, add some onions and garlic.    It needs salt and pepper which I did not use.

Sweet Potatoes with Warm Black Bean Salad

Adapted from Eating Well magazine.....

I made two sweet potatoes but there was enough filling for 3 or 4.  I have it in my refrigerator.  I will find something to add it to.


ยท        4 medium sweet potatoes (I made 2)

Mix tomatoes and beans.
ยท        1 15-ounce can black beans, rinsed

ยท        2 medium tomatoes, diced

ยท        1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

ยท        1 teaspoon ground cumin  (I used half of each of the spices)

ยท        1 teaspoon ground coriander

ยท        3/4 teaspoon salt
1     1/2 teaspoon maple syrup


1.    Prick sweet potatoes with a fork in several places. Microwave on High until tender all the way to the center, 12 to 15 minutes. (Alternatively, place in a baking dish and bake at 425 degrees F until tender all the way to the center, about 1 hour.)

2.   Meanwhile, in a medium microwaveable bowl, combine beans, tomatoes, oil, cumin, coriander, maple syrup and salt; microwave on High until just heated through, 2 to 3 minutes. (Alternatively, heat in a small saucepan over medium heat.)

3.   When just cool enough to handle, slash each sweet potato lengthwise, press open to make a well in the center and spoon the bean mixture into the well. Top each with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkle of cilantro.

T    This is an example of how a meal can be made in minutes, using the microwave.   Enjoy. 

Veggie Converter    
                 Hearth N' Soul with A Moderate Life


  1. I haven't cooked anything with microwave, this sounds easy dish to make and also tasty.

  2. I'm sorry Chaya, like hubby, I would probably do a double take upon seeing this dish. It just doesn't sound like something that would light my day. However, I too would be willing to give it a nibble, just because. And, if you say it's better spiced up, I believe you.

    Thank you so much for sharing...I commend the "new you!"

  3. I love your description of hubby's reaction, lol! I'm glad he tried it and liked it though...it definitely looks like something I would like too, and I'll take your word on adding onion/garlic/S&P!

  4. I like everything that's in there, but it's an interesting combination! I bet my husband would like it, too!

  5. This sounds like such a healthy recipe. I never used to like sweet potatoes but they are one of my favourites now and this looks like a great way to serve them.


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