Brrrr.....ownies -- Baking With Dorie -- BWD

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This week in BWD, we made Brrrr....ownies, leading us to a mint tinged brownie.  I didn't take photos and I am using the ones from a post, I did, in My Sweet and Savory.

This week,  Jen chose yummy brownies with a second flavor of mint.  A powerful and likable combination for us to enjoy and easily bake.  I made the batter with the raspberry mint patties which left a mint flavor that was an integral part of the brownie.

This is a successful choice for mint lovers.  You will find this recipe on page 103 of  Baking From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan. 


  1. Raspberry, mint & chocolate. . sounds delicious!
    Thanks so much for baking with us this week!

  2. I made my brownies with the same mint thins, but without the raspberry. Love the addition of raspberry.

  3. Mmmmm, raspberry...sounds delish! THanks for baking with me this week!


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