Menu Plan Monday
This week is particularly busy with Jewish holidays following on the heels of the Sabbath. Report cards have to be written and I have to take a quick trip out of town. There is not going to be much time for cooking. I do want to get my dishes for Eating with Ellie and Wednesdays with Donna Hay done, as well. I will check with you, at the end of the week and see how I have done. I wish, I was feeling more optimistic.
With all this, today, I decided to bake and made some yummy sugar cookies and a caramelized apple cheesecake.
Sunday - Stuffed Cabbage

Monday - Salad Night - Egg Salad, Cauliflower Salad and a tossed green salad

Tuesday - Salmon and Donna Hay's Hot Potato Mustard Dressing
Wednesday - Vegetables Creole - Ellie Krieger
Thursday - Sweet Potato Soup for Soup Night
Friday - Baked Chicken with Quinoa and Spinach Kugel
Stop over at Menu Plan Monday and check what others are cooking this week.
With all this, today, I decided to bake and made some yummy sugar cookies and a caramelized apple cheesecake.
Sunday - Stuffed Cabbage

Monday - Salad Night - Egg Salad, Cauliflower Salad and a tossed green salad

Tuesday - Salmon and Donna Hay's Hot Potato Mustard Dressing
Wednesday - Vegetables Creole - Ellie Krieger
Thursday - Sweet Potato Soup for Soup Night
Friday - Baked Chicken with Quinoa and Spinach Kugel
Stop over at Menu Plan Monday and check what others are cooking this week.
There are two things I never do: menu plan and follow a recipe. I know it sounds crazy, but I realize I just go to the store, see what looks good and create something from it.( except for baking of course) You inspire me that you take the time to plan out the menu and search for interesting recipes. Everything looks delicious!