Carrot Spice Muffins - TWD

Tuesdays With Dorie

Host - Nancy of The Dogs Eat the Crumbs 

Recipe - Carrot Spice Muffins on page 14.

This week the bakers of TWD did the muffin thing.  We made delicious carrot muffins.  In our home, we love muffins because they are easy to make, don't take a lot of time, baking and are small hold-in-the-hand treats.  We love muffins because the flavors are innumerable and we pull new flavors out of a hat (not really).

I am delighted with Nancy's choice for all these reasons and because this makes a good muffin which my husband loves and wants to visit again.  Thanks Nancy.

To see the what the other bakers have made, stop at TWD.

Linked to Tuesdays with Dorie


  1. I agree, muffins are just about the perfect food, so many variations. This one was excellent.
    Have a great day.

  2. muffins are awesome. especially yours!

  3. You are so right about muffins - they are a perfect baked treat. There are so many ingredients that could go into muffins, that you almost can pull any muffin flavor out of a hat! Glad these were a hit with your husband; mine too. Thanks for baking along with me this week.

  4. I love how u keep up with TWD and bake some delightful goodies!
    Ur carrot spice muffins sound fantastic!

  5. These were definitely good, repeatable muffins - we liked them too!


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