The Versatile Blogger

Awards are special and I don't take them for granted.   When we give awards, we think about the people we give them to and that means we have made an impression (good, bad or indifferent - hoping good).  

I want to give a huge thank you to Terry from RV Life and Food.  It is hard to believe the blog is only four months old.  Terry travels with her husband, John and does an amazing job of cooking, in  her RV.  If this blog is new to you, I strongly suggest, you visit it and see what one can do, cooking and traveling.

I am guessing you have seen this award around the foodasphere.  I like its name.  Being a blogger is one thing, being versatile is another.  I have been thinking of ways to do just that and hope to implement a few new ideas, as time goes by.  I am open to suggestions.

Here are the rules for the Versatile Blog Award:

Thank the person who gave you this award.
Include a link to their blog.
Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs

Seven things about myself.

I am woman, here me roar.  I love being a woman and never feel, I have to prove my womanhood.  Being a woman is a gift that leads us where we want to go, if we don't exploit it.

I am an Orthodox Jewish woman which means I am religious and live in ways that may be different from you.  I love every moment of a Jewish life.  For example, Passover will be here, in a week and we refrain from eating leavened products, for 8 days.  No bread, pasta, cake, etc. 

If you missed my post, I was recently blessed with my first great grandchild - boy.  God is good to us.

I have a foodie blog which should mean I love to cook and/or bake.  In fact, I love both.  The challenge of putting ingredients together and finding what one will get, calls to me.

I am a fifth grade teacher who teaches all boys.  I have a deeper appreciation of them, these days, after working with girls for 20 years.

I have learned more about cooking in the last three years than in all my years of cooking.  I was a naive cook, if there is such a thing.

I am completed by my husband who is gives additional meaning to life.

When giving an award, I usually like to write about each blog but with Passover on my heels, I can't do justice to them.  Trust me, each blog is worth a visit and each is special, in its own way.

I am giving this award with great joy to all of you.  I have been blessed to meet so many fine people over the years, online, and I am thankful for the time, we spend together.  I do not have the time to select 15 of you with the holiday coming but in reality, there is no one, I have met here that I would not want to share this award with.  Please take it and celebrate your versatility.


  1. You are a phenomenal woman, not just a versatile blogger!

    Any new recipes for Passover this year? I love to see what all you will cook and all that goes into being ready for Passover. Be Blessed!

  2. Congratulations on your award! You are so deserving of honor!

  3. Thanks so much for all your kind words!

    I was a juvenile corrections officer for 12 years - first half with boys, second with girls. So I understand your deeper appreciation for the boys after working with girls for so long.

    And I so enjoy reading and learning about being Jewish. It has been very educational for me.

  4. So you are going to be my go-to boy expert I've decided.

  5. Are there any partner programs for this? If there is, then tell us about it in more detail. How to use them and what they may be needed for?

  6. Hello everyone You know, not so long ago I decided to start trading on the stock exchange and thought about how to start using leverage. I learned about him from an article on this site . Thanks to this information, I now know how such leverage can be useful for me and how to use it!


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