Another Pre Passover Meal
During the week before Passover, I don't really concern myself with balanced, healthy meals. I figure, it is amazing, I get a meal of any kind, on the table, how can I worry about details? When hubby asked for potatoes and eggs for dinner, I jumped with joy. Easy to do......few ingredients.....I enjoy it and hubby requested it. Perfect.
I staggered in the front door, after work, after food shopping and after finally finding a parking space. I unloaded about 8 bags of groceries and put them away in my abbreviated Passover kitchen. Of course, then I checked my email and blogs before making dinner. We keep priorities in order.
I, once again staggered (staggeredpast participle, past tense of stagĀ·ger (Verb)
1. Walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall: "he staggered to his feet, swaying a little".)
I added the definition so you could actually picture me swaying as I made my way to the kitchen. Did I mention that we are perpetually tired before Passover? Check that with any Jewish woman preparing for Pesach. Rivky, if you are reading this, please comment.
Standing at the stove, eyes closing as I worked, I browned 3 potatoes and 2 small onions. At that moment, my husband walked in and I could almost hear his stomach growling, telling me, he was hungry. Potatoes were still firm and there was no way dinner was going to be ready for at least fifteen minutes. For those fifteen minutes, I listen to his tummy talking while he shared his day. At least, I got the eggs into the pan and that is when he said, "Just give it to me the way it is. I am hungry."
I tried to convince him that he did not want runny eggs that had not adhered to the potatoes and onions and by the time, I had made a dent, the eggs had cooked. Time to eat but first it was photo time. As I clicked a picture of his plastic plate (yes we are still eating on plastic), there was a rumble of thunder, a flash of lightening and boom, no electricity. Note my photos of that plastic plate were done in the dark with a little light from a temporary source.
Potatoes, Onions and Eggs (serves 3)
2 onions, peeled and sliced thin
6 eggs
2 - 4 tablespoons of oil or whatever is necessary
Place onions in hot skillet with two tablespoons of oil
Cook for 5 minutes, mixing occasionally.
Add potatoes. Cook until cooked through - 10 minutes plus.
Add well beaten eggs to pan and let sit, gradually pulling back on the sides and filling in with loose egg. When egg is set, turn and let brown on other side, just two or three minutes.
Add salt before you cook. Since, we are cutting back on our salt intake, we add individually, as we like.
Now for the photos in the dark....
Linked to Real Food Wednesdays
Yum! Looks like such a quick & easy way to put something tasty on the table. Maybe the power going off was a blessing. There's nothing more flattering than candlelight for a woman who's so tired she can't walk straight. ;)
ReplyDeleteThe combination of potatoes, onions, eggs is ideal. Not just breafast but an all around good dish any time of day.
ReplyDeleteThis pass over dish looks delicious. love to have at any time.