Corn Tortilla Casserole

My husband now gets home before me. I used to get home, check my email and sit for a few minutes, even read a book or magazine. This was important time because it gave me the opportunity to unwind. Teaching can be overwhelming if one puts her heart and soul into it which I usually do. I find it difficult to walk away and forget the kids and sometimes even the classwork. It was easy when we would eat about 7. Even with errands, I am home about 5:30. This leaves time for some restful moments and dinner preparation. (On good days, I cook in the morning.) Before, I go on.......I must make a disclaimer" Hubby is not a selfish or impatient man. He is quite respectful of me and my time. That put aside, I will describe my homecoming. I walk in the door and after a brief greeting, he asks what is for dinner. I glare at him and say something like, "Let me put my books down." He is agreeable. I p...